Snowing and My thoughts on weight loss and diet
It's snowing !!!! It's snowing !!! the first snow in Korea for the winter. Yay! I just found out they don't have snow days here. Sooo it blows and I hope I don't have to schelp to school when there is alot of snow on the ground.
I'm glad I stocked up on food. I forgot to mention in my post I went to the grocery store yesterday. I liked this store better than the Lotte Mart and it seems cheaper, It's called E-mart it's S Korea's walmart annnd I heart it. This place is so way better than Walmart it has multi levels for goodness sakes. I bought alot of things and I was able to make something I have been craving for MAC and CHEESE !!!.
Today I woke up late from staying up last night. Even though I woke up late I was still early for work. When I got here I heard some exciting info. Apparently I'm losing weight. Ji-Hye told me that teachers have noticed I lost weight (YAY !!!) they think it has to do with the fact that I don't eat alot of food at lunch. I think it's because I am eating healthier sources of food. They have barely any frozen food here. Which at first I thought it was a pain, but realized that fresh is better. I was asking about frozen veggies and the other teachers looked at me like I was nuts lol. In america some people are so concerned with a low carb diet. In korea the staple is noodles and rice. I've had more noodles and rice here than I've had in a long time and am still losing weight. Interesting, No, low carb fanatics? I don't think carbs have anything to do with it. I think it's the chemicals that are in our foods. Koreans have been eating rice and noodles for every meal since forever and they are on the whole thin people. But I digress. I lost weight YAY!!! Stairs o death here I come.