Ricki in Korea

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Snowing and My thoughts on weight loss and diet

It's snowing !!!! It's snowing !!! the first snow in Korea for the winter. Yay! I just found out they don't have snow days here. Sooo it blows and I hope I don't have to schelp to school when there is alot of snow on the ground. I'm  glad I stocked up on food. I forgot to mention in my post I went to the grocery store yesterday. I liked this store better than the Lotte Mart and it seems cheaper, It's called E-mart it's S Korea's walmart annnd I heart it. This place is so way better than Walmart it has multi levels for goodness sakes. I bought alot of things and I was able to make something I have been craving for MAC and CHEESE !!!. Today I woke up late from staying up last night. Even though I woke up late I was still early for work. When I got here I heard some exciting info. Apparently I'm losing weight. Ji-Hye told me that teachers have noticed I lost weight (YAY !!!) they think it has to do with the fact that I don't eat alot of food at lunch. I think it's because I am eating healthier sources of food. They have barely any frozen food here. Which at first I thought it was a pain, but realized that fresh is better. I was asking about frozen veggies and the other teachers looked at me like I was nuts lol. In america some people are so concerned with a low carb diet. In korea the staple is noodles and rice. I've had more noodles and rice here than I've had in a long time and am still losing weight. Interesting, No,  low carb fanatics? I don't think carbs have anything to do with it. I think it's the chemicals that are in our foods. Koreans have been eating rice and noodles for every meal since forever and they are on the whole thin people. But I digress. I lost weight YAY!!! Stairs o death here I come.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Meeting a fellow american

This week has been pretty low key for the first time since I got here. Just been teaching and heading home after school nothing too fantastical. Until Tuesday. I was talking to Michael on the phone when a fellow American teacher sent me an im she had seen my post on Dave's esl cafe and she lived nearby( turns out she is across the street from me). We spoke about different things and she seems cool. We have a good amount of things in common( turns out a few of my students go to the academy she works for). Yesterday she had a bad day at work and just needed to talk and grab something to drink and eat. We met up on the pedestrian bridge by my apartment and we went in search for a place that was open and looked like it had English speakers or would understand my very limited Korean. We found this restaurant/bar the owner was nice, and he spoke some English. In Korean when you go to a restaurant/bar some places make you buy like an appetizer. She's allergic to fish so we asked for and pointed to chicken. What we got was shrimp tempura. Lol. We just hung out and talked about everything and anything. It was fun to speak to someone where I didn't have to slow down orr explain what I meant. The owner gave us some extras like fried calamari and some sauteed kimchi. He was interested in where we were from. It's cute in Korea when they see a foreigner the shop keepers who speak English want to "bond" or want to have share something in common with you. Like the owner of one of my favorite chicken places he's visited New York and he told me he's been there and wants to go back and talks about the different places to see there. Anyway we left off with plans for me to take her shopping at the Lottemart and to take her to Itaewon. I feel lucky to have been placed in my school. I have seen alot of things in a short time and learned how to do things that I can give my advice and opinion to others.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My apartment in case you haven't seen it

walking around outside
dining room
bed and window
entertainment center and dresser

Monday, November 17, 2008

New hairdo

I just put my hair up in a pony tail today and when I got to school today everyone was all "Wow you look fancy." or "Your hair looks so good." What's your opinion ?