Decision Making Time
O.K. Soooo..... I got my appointment letter Yay !!? or is it Yay ? I don't know if I want to go. Well I do want to go but I don't have the first clue when . I mean ok it'll be a great opportunity and all but the whole money issue is a thing holding me back.
Cause things ain't cheap! A plane ticket is what I'm worried about. Other than that I think I'll be fine. But then comes the whole what should I bring and how to bring or send it ? I want all the comforts of home but do I need all the comforts of home ? What do I do with all my stuff ? Storage is an option. But what do I keep and what do I sell ? Will I be able to sell it in enough time ? I have all these things racing through my head and hence the blog. I want to go but will going be a good thing ?