Ricki in Korea

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lesson Plans

For the past couple of weeks I've been dealing with a crappy situation for a summer camp I have to teach at another school. I was asked if I wanted to teach at a camp at another school. I said I didn't really want to but if the school wanted to I would. I was told the Korean co-teachers would speak perfect English and I would just have to show up and teach. WRONG !! Well the school thought it was a good idea for me to go so I said sure why not. I had a choice to teach in the morning or the afternoon. I choose the morning. I was supposed to teach near my school, and teaching in the morning afforded me to have the rest of the day free. Alas my co-teacher got a phone call saying if I taught all day I would get an extra 400 dollars. DONE ! I like extra money. I thought it was going to be easy. But nothing in this life is easy. A week later my Camp Co-teacher or CCT as I will call her emailed and text me we need to pick a topic, once the topic was chosen I had to write a lesson plan within the same parameters as the lesson plan she sent as a sample. So I spoke to her on the phone she said she was new so picking the topic was up to me. I suggested childrens songs? She said "No." I asked "Well what can we do?" Her response was "Cooking, or storytelling things like that." "Ok Let's do cooking." She replied "No someone else is doing that." Frustrated I said "What do you want to do ?How about book making?" She finally agreed.

 Since I have been known to do many different arts and crafts I thought cool. I can make books. Not really a topic but I can figure something out. I was still unsure of what is going on with the camp and how the classes will be run so I send her an email and text. Nothing till Wednesday. She only contacted me on Wednesday to sort of answer my questions and to tell me now I needed 2 different topics. So now I'm up to 2 topics for a presumably 5 day lesson plan due Friday and it's Wednesday. She's pushing it but I can get it done. Then Thursday she calls and says I will be working with 2 levels of students. So I need a low and high level plans for the 2 topics so right now I'm looking at 4 lesson plans but since she knew it was a lot I could send it to her Saturday. I told her yeah no I can send it to you Monday the earliest. I finish the plans and send them Monday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon I get a call. The lesson plans were wrong. After unsuccessfully trying to explain in English what was needed, she explained to my co-teacher in Korean. My co-teacher had trouble understanding her but basically I just needed four 80 minute lesson plans. Not four 5 day lesson plans. Why she didn't just say that instead of saying we have to teach 8 teams in a week I'll never know. Soooo I had to do that by Wednesday because Thursday we were having a meeting. I get it to her on Wednesday after spending a few extra hours at work cutting down and redoing the lesson plans. At 4:30 she calls (I leave at 4:40) Oh you need more detail in the lesson plan because it's going to be published I need it by 3:00 tomorrow. THAT'S IT I HAD IT! I  wanted to email her and say I didn't want to be published. I didn't want to do the camp and it won't be to her by 3:00 tomorrow. After a good frustrated cry. I did put in some detail. I sent it to her. She didn't even read it. I went to the meeting and she had the old one, she didn't check her email. Ugh !! So she checks it, tells me I need even more detail. I ask what more detail do I need? Basically I have to write a script not a lesson plan. What I will say what the kids should say and so on. That's ridiculous! I don't know what they will say. But she said I had extra time. Then I was really upset. If I had all this time why were you rushing me in the first place. Ugh!!! To top it off we are in a classroom with stoves and she goes. "Oh I wanted to cook" "Well I told you I could make a lesson about cooking." "Well it's too late now isn't it ?" Ugh !!!!!! Whoosa! She was testing my patience. I have finally finished with it and I can't wait for this unpleasantness to be over.


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