Ricki in Korea

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jindo Miracle Moses festival

A couple weekends ago I went on my first trip to southern South Korea. I went to Jindo with a few of my friends. I came back with one less friend due to some drama and differences, but who wants a friend who brings negativity. I had fun with my friends and regret nothing. We went to Jindo because once a year they have a festival celebrating the Moses Miracle sea parting. The story goes that Jindo was invaded by tigers and all the inhabitants left and went to another island. As they were leaving they left one woman behind. Grandma Ppyong. She prayed to the dragon to reunite her with her family day and night. Finally the dragon heard her prayers and parted the sea so she could rejoin her family. As she was walking toward her family and they were walking to her she became so overwhelmed with happiness she had a heart attack and died in their arms. Sad but happy cause she spent her last moments with them.

 It took alot of traveling to get to Jindo and a bus accident. We stayed overnight. Thanks to the wonderful teachers at my school we stayed in a little hotel that was right next to the sea right behind the main festival road. When we got there finally, we put our stuff in the room and went to have lunch (we were starved). Then the boys went to walk the sea part and my friends (Tina and Melissa) walked around and walked on the beach and some of the sea road but not fully participating in the walk to the other island. The shoes you had to buy to walk on the sea floor looked too small and people were limping cause there were jagged rocks and such on the sea floor. I'm not into pain so we forwent the walk and opted to take pictures instead. There wasn't much of a festival unfortunately. Most of the festivities were going to happen on Sunday and we were leaving early Sunday to get back and be responsible teachers. The boys got to stay longer because they work in private schools and start work later in the day than us girls do. All day it had been getting colder and colder. The boys had a room but it was back on the mainland almost an hour and a half away. They decided they would sleep on the beach or try and find a place to stay while at Jindo. There were no places left so we told them they could stay with us. We fit 7 people into a room meant for maybe 3. Fun huh ? After a long day we all were relaxing and talking and Non-friend flipped out because we were all talking and he wanted to go to sleep. He not only cursed me out he knocked on the door of Koreans who were also being loud next door ( the boys were not supposed to be there so he put every ones sleeping arrangements in jeopardy). Then he walked out and went off on his own (we don't know why he decided it by himself it was freezing outside at least in the 20's or 30's that night). We left the next day alittle rested mostly feeling like a mac truck hit us all. But it was a fun weekend away.


  • At January 30, 2010 at 12:15 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hello, I'm Emma Jang from WorknPlay in Seoul, Korea. I read about your interesting Jindo Sea Parting Festival experience in Korea on your personal blog. Would you consider also sharing about this festival on WorknPlay's website? You could use this opportunity to publicize your blog, by include a link to your website. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail eunjung@worknplay.co.kr .
    Thank you.


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