Ricki in Korea

Thursday, June 18, 2009


So as most of you know I am bad about keeping in touch with people. Actually I suck at it. But I've gotten better (slightly). I don't know why I don't do it honestly. Maybe my keep in touch switch was not turned on from birth. Cause I am technically an only child ? Who knows. Enough about that. I'm here to report that nothing significantly major has happened in my life. The only thing of interest was I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago. I was starting a diet and I went to the store to get groceries and while walking out of the store I miss stepped and sprained my ankle. No big deal I've done it tons of times. When I got home I wrapped up my ankle and was ok, or so I thought. As the night went on my foot started to hurt more and more. In the middle of the night I was thinking of even calling out of work so I could go to the doctor. But by morning it was feeling a little better and I went to work but told my co-teacher that I wanted to go to the podiatrist and have my foot checked out. After school I hobbled to the doctor where he told me..... "You have a sprained ankle." Uhhhh no duh Doctor. X-rays were taken and then he said ..... "You have a lot of trauma to your foot, so you'll have to put your foot in a splint." "A what ?" "A cast, you'll have to wear a cast." "For how long ?" "About 3 weeks." I breathed a sigh of relief thankfully it was going to be off before my birthday. So they put a semi hard cast( cast in the back wrapped with ace bandage) on my right foot. Now here's the kicker (tee hee). I had to use crutches. Yes that's right. CRUTCHES! The school was generous enough to give me the rest of the week off from school to get adjusted to life on crutches. I spent the next 3 days bored out of my mind at home. Most of you probably know how much I hate cleaning (I think I'd rather die). Well I spent most of my days cleaning my house and doing laundry. The next couple of weeks I went to work. My co-teacher and her husband picked me up everyday and dropped me off at school. I am forever thankful for their generosity. Some teachers at the school drove to school for the specific purpose to drop me off at home. I was so happy when my friends would come by for a visit and we'd hang out and watch movies. We didn't need to go out to have a good time. I started feeling like I had something in my cast and when I put my hand inside I felt like I had bumps on my feet. I went to the doctor and he took of the cast! But said for another week I had to use the crutches and have some Physical Therapy. Hurray cast off !!!!


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