Ricki in Korea

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stairs of death, crossing the street, and drivers

Soooo in Korea they have a shit load of stairs everywhere. The stairs in the train station reminded me of the Jamaica ave stairs to the subway for the I think F train (super steep). I thought I was going to die going up and down those stairs. Not only that but there are over passes everywhere because of the drivers I am convinced. Those can be steep as well. I call them the Korean stairs of death. If they don't kill me they will give me killer legs so I guess that's the plus side. Ohhhh and the over pass by my house is being repaired so you go up the stairs o' death and then I am fearing for my life because on one side is the floor of the other side that is being repaired but the cement is off it. So it's unfinished and I feel like if I step in it I will fall through. Then on the "fixed side" there are plywood boards (not very supportive) and on top of that people who walk there are always in a hurry so they will breeze past you. But when there are alot of people on there it's terrifying. I fear for my life on that also. I can't wait till it gets fixed. Bus Drivers here I have 2 words "HOLD ON". If you don't hold on you are libel to go flying through the front of the bus or out the back. It's akin to riding the NY subway. Very abrupt stopping and starting. It's crazy. I get up and leave early so I can get on an uncrowded bus. That way I can have a seat orrrr I can stand near the back exit poles which are more sturdy than the straps they have. I always need to hold on because sometimes they don't stop at the lights and go barreling through the intersection. But they are good about stopping for you. Crossing the street here is unpredictable. Since the drivers stop at the suggestion lights if they want 2. I say suggestion lights because to the drivers they are merely a suggestion, especially for taxi's and buses. At a crosswalk you are less likely to be run over but only by very little. Just because it says you can walk doesn't mean the cars will let you. Some drivers don't even tap on the brake. Not even a pause. So it's like playing who can bob and weave best. Another reason I leave early there are less cars on the road at the time so I can be less fearful. A couple times I got honked at because I guess I didn't cross fast enough for the drivers who drive through the red lights. As soon as I passed the car they took off while the light was red and the cross sign was green ! If you come here and want to drive be careful. Sometimes drivers will drive in 2 lanes, bust a u-turn in the middle of the street, or of course cut you off, and turn in front of you even if your 2 seconds away from them. I don't think I will drive here. I'm scared. It's worse than driving in Manhattan. Oh annnd the streets here don't have street signs sooo you're SOL also, I believe that is why all cars I have seen here have a gps in them.


  • At October 29, 2008 at 10:59 PM , Blogger Big Sister, Esq. said...

    LOL!!!!! I WISH the pedestrians in NYC would understand that the road belongs to the cars! It seems in Korea that lesson is crystal clear! hahahhahahaa.. Loves it.. But ummm, yeah that sounds hella scary homie. Please be careful messing around with the street and that overpass!


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